FAQs About Empire Community Management
Your home is part of a community association registered in Arizona and Nevada as a Non-Profit Corporation. A board of directors manages the association. The Board of Directors is the governing body elected by the association members to oversee the association's business affairs. The board establishes the rules and regulations, approves the annual budget, oversees the maintenance of the common areas, enforces the governing documents (CC&Rs, By-Laws, and Articles of Incorporation), and is the decision-making body for all association businesses.
Each year your Association's Board of Directors will prepare, approve and distribute a new budget. The budget represents your board's best estimate of anticipated income, expenses, and operating financial requirements for the association's fiscal year.
Frequently Asked Questions

Keeping Peace with Your Neighbors
Disputes arise in all aspects of life, but when they involve your home and lifestyle matters, they can have a dramatic impact. Resolving disputes is no easy matter; however, if a dispute does arise, Empire Community Management suggests the following Dispute Resolution Process keep the peace.
Remember R • E • S • O • L • V • E
Remain objective: To effectively facilitate the resolution of disputes, participants must maintain an open mind with a genuine concern for resolving the issues in the best interest of all involved. If the perception is that either party has adopted a stable position, the objective of negotiations will be compromised. Naturally, it is understood that differences do exist. Otherwise, there would not be a dispute to resolve. However, the dispute resolution process needs to involve some middle ground on behalf of the participants. Without this, proper reconciliation of the issues will not be reached, which should be the goal of the participants.
Employ courteous and civil behavior during discussions: Disputes regarding homeownership issues can become very emotional. Often what is at stake are very precious commodities in the form of pride, lifestyle, and perceptions of homeownership rights. These strong feelings can lead to shouting matches if basic courtesies and parliamentary rules are not followed. For this reason, it is crucial that all parties involved in discussions clearly understand the parliamentary procedures employed during the resolution process. These include the following common courtesies and practices:
- Only one person to speak at a time.
- Do not interrupt others. Show each participant the same courtesy you would want to be extended.
- Respect the responsibility and authority of the person chairing the discussion.
- Be prepared to speak. Comments should be to the point and relate to the issues under discussion.
- Do not shout.
- Do not use profanity or another inflammatory language.
- Always be polite. You may use words such as thank you, please, and welcome.
Specify what's wrong: The first step in solving a problem is to define the problem. Before effective solutions can be reached, a clear definition of the problem needs to be developed and agreed upon. From this point, progress towards resolution begins. Participants need to state their positions and feelings regarding the issues clearly.
Listen to all positions and options: Listening is the number one duty of all participants. Often a combatant's opportunity to be heard by an objective and the interested party is adequate compensation for accepting compromise and recognizing common ground.
Volunteer solutions: Disagreements are a natural part of negotiations, and alternatives need to be explored when they occur. As an interested participant, you can be a valuable source of alternative solutions to resolve differences. Sometimes a little unbiased insight can lead to amenable solutions to impassable barriers.
End with a clear decision and action: The resolution process should lead to a clear and decisive ending. After all, parties have been given a reasonable opportunity to be heard and participate in the resolution process; reasonable people should be able to conclude. Decisions should be free from ambiguity and clearly state the action or actions taken by all involved parties. If necessary, some follow-up action may be appropriate to verify that the intended results of the decision have been reached.
If this is not successful, please write down your concerns describing the specific rule, covenant, condition, or restriction your neighbor has allegedly violated and mail/email your request to the Board of Directors c/o Empire Community Management, 1959 S. Power Road, Suite 103-444, Mesa, AZ 85206 or email to [email protected], Your request will be reviewed by the board at their next regular meeting.